LGU-Tapaz Holds Budget Forum for Calendar Year 2024
The Municipal Budget Office of the local government of Tapaz facilitated the Budget Forum for the calendar year 2024 at the Training Hall, yesterday, October 16, 2023.
Said forum aimed at discussing major thrust and policy directions, sources of income, spending ceilings, and budget strategies of the Municipality for the budget year 2024, participated by various department heads of the local and national offices.
Muncipal Budget Officer Jovy Gialen, discussed the objectives, fiscal targets, priorities and budgetary requirements and limitations, proposed appropriation guidelines and budget preparation forms, budget calendar, responsibility, and accountability.
Mayor Roberto “Nonong” Palomar said the forum is beneficial since this will be the basis for the expenses of the LGU next year; he added it would continue cross-cutting since the Municipality lost Million this year.
Mayor Palomar added the forum is an avenue to gain understanding and support for achieving the Municipality’s goals as embodied in the Annual Investment Plan and values as a public servant.
He thanked all department heads for contributing to sound fiscal management, especially the workforce of the Municipal Budget Management Office.
The said forum was facilitated by the Municipal Budget Office headed by Municipal Budget Officer Jovy Gialen and was attended by Mayor Roberto O. Palomar, Vice Mayor Romel Somo. SB Regina Fancubila, OIC Municipal Administrator Milagros “Chay” Palomar, Department Heads and Chairmans of NGOs/ CSOs.
Photos: MIO Tim Emmanuel Vista